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Join date: Aug 3, 2021


Salat means "salad" in Norwegian, the culture of my heritage. Without our generic term for vegetables, Norwegians refer to leafy greens as "grønnsaker" (green things). At Granskou Greens, I strive for the sustainable, health giving and productive growth of colourful leaves year-round on our small, less that ideal urban property. I challenge our palettes and perceptions to evolve in a way that the Earth can afford. And I am constantly challenged by conditions, learning tirelessly through trial and error, creativity and collaboration. It is a lifestyle, not a job. As the seed of this project, I am a puppet maker, storyteller, musician, educator, farmer and mother of 3. I seek to be creative in whatever life brings, whether trying to find a way to outsmart the squirrels, slugs and rollie polies, reduce waste, tether down the hoop tunnel covers or creating a performance piece about animal poop. In growing leafy things, I have found a transient and essential way to create beauty that will always be needed.

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