Granskou Greens
Salat means "salad" in Norwegian, the culture of my heritage. Without our generic term for vegetables, Norwegians refer to leafy greens as "grønnsaker" (green things). At Granskou Greens, I strive for the sustainable, health giving and productive growth of colourful leaves year-round on our small, less that ideal urban property. I challenge our palettes and perceptions to evolve in a way that the Earth can afford. And I am constantly challenged by conditions, learning tirelessly through trial and error, creativity and collaboration. It is a lifestyle, not a job. As the seed of this project, I am a puppet maker, storyteller, musician, educator, farmer and mother of 3. I seek to be creative in whatever life brings, whether trying to find a way to outsmart the squirrels, slugs and rollie polies, reduce waste, tether down the hoop tunnel covers or creating a performance piece about animal poop. In growing leafy things, I have found a transient and essential way to create beauty that will always be needed.
Posts (17)
